Morning Session 10:30 – 12:00
Afternoon Session 1:00 – 2:30
The painting class at Hope Senior Center offers students a place to discover their unexpected talents while enjoying an absorbing activity that takes them away from the stresses of everyday life.
Students use photographs, reproductions of paintings and ideas from imagination to create still life, landscape, portrait or abstract paintings.
Beginning with simple drawings and then using water-based acrylic paint on canvas board they will display their own unique sense of design, paint application and color.
Even those who’ve never drawn or painted before will soon be making beautiful pictures.

About the Instructor
Chris Lin has been an art instructor since 1992 and has taught at the Hope Senior Center since 2013. Chris received his fine art degrees from The Cooper Union and Queens College. His teaching experience includes residencies in the New York Public Schools and drawing classes for adults and children at Riverbank State Park.
Chris believes in building on the participants’ abilities and experiences, encouraging them to explore the many possibilities of representation in their chosen subjects.